The DUNS number for Somerset Solders Ltd is: 217168823 (Somerset Workwear is a brand name of Somerset Solders Ltd)
What is a DUNS number?
The D-U-N-S Number is used in dozens of countries around the world, including the U.S., Australia, and the European Union, and confers numerous benefits on businesses that participate. The business credit file associated with your business’s D-U-N-S Number can help potential partners and lenders learn about your business and make informed decisions about whether or not to work with you as a client, supplier or partner. Even after you’ve signed a contract or accepted a loan, your D-U-N-S Number can be used to help get a clear view of your business, which can help you negotiate for improved terms and conditions or a favorable line of credit.
For more information:
Visit the Dun & Bradstreet website at